Hi Y’all,
Thanks to all of you who reached out after my last blog post during the winter. It was wonderful to hear from people I already know and to connect with lots of others I haven’t yet met – especially during the seasons when we don’t have many chances to be together in person. I appreciate the time you took to be in touch, the newsy updates you shared, and the chance to nurture our relationships, whether they’re decades old or fairly new!
As wonderful as technology is, though, in today’s world, it’s also important to disconnect from screens and apps and texts. We can use that time instead to connect face-to-face to form real, meaningful, and lasting friendships. That’s one of the things we do best at camp – and one of the many reasons we can’t wait for summer (and all of you!) to arrive.
We’ve been working hard to get ready and, thankfully, summer’s getting closer every day. In fact, it’s almost here – and it promises to be our biggest one yet! We’re putting an amazing staff in place – full of lots of familiar faces and some new ones we know you’ll love the minute you meet them. We’ve still got some staff openings, too, so if you know any superstars who would be great at helping create Jacobs’ magic, send them to our website for information about joining our team.
We’re also starting to plan our 50th Reunion Weekend, scheduled for November 8-10, 2019 in New Orleans, LA, a location we hope will bring together as much of the Jacobs Camp family as possible. With New Orleans as the backdrop, we’ll celebrate five decades of Jacobs Magic with lots of camp-style activities and look ahead to the promising future our beloved camp holds for generations yet to be. So, save the date and plan to join us in New Orleans in November 2019 for an unforgettable party for Jacobs!
In the meantime, like me, I know you’re proud of our community and our values – and that they stay close to your heart throughout the year – even when you’re nowhere near camp. But, before you know it, you will be near camp, headed straight for Morrison Road and your best summer yet. We’ll be here – waiting to welcome you home!
Jacobs Camp Director