Dear Jacobs Camp Family,

Everyone who enters the iconic gates on Morrison Road are welcomed home upon arrival. Jacobs Camp has been my home for as long as I can remember. As I am welcomed by the year-round team, the lay-leaders of our communities, the parents, and most importantly, our Jacobs campers, I understand the importance of my mission. It is my goal to continue to build on the immense success that Anna, Joshua, Sarah, Nadav, Greg, Tamisa, and all the incredible staff members create every day.

I attended Henry S. Jacobs Camp from 2001 in Olim through 2008 in Chalutzim as a camper, one summer as a Machon – Counselor in Training, and four summers as a counselor. As a young camper, I felt safe branching out of my comfort zone to try new experiences and make new friends, many of whom are still my closest friends today. The programs for older campers built my confidence to practice my leadership skills. In the adventure program, participating in the challenge course elements put me in scenarios where I was leading my peers to complete intricate tasks. I still refer to these exercises in my professional career when working in teams. My hope for the future is that Jacobs Camp has the resources to be able to offer similar life-changing experiences to current and future campers.

Nowhere else has had such a profound impact on my life and serving as Development Manager for Jacobs Camp fulfills my deep desire to give back to this very special place that has shaped who I am today. With so much engaging content in the world, my goal is to ensure Jacobs Camp secures funds that allow us to dream for the future, while continuing to deliver The Jacobs Magic in unforgettable programming, scholarships for families in need, and facility improvements summer after summer. I look forward to connecting with all of you soon, and I feel so fortunate to be welcomed home to begin the next chapter in my life.

Thank y’all,

Jacob Fijman