Shalom from Jacobs Camp! We are counting down the days until it’s time to welcome you home. Opening day is just days away and we can’t wait!

While we are busy here in Utica preparing for your children to have the summer of their lives, we know there is a lot to do on your end too. Between the packing lists and filling out forms – it is a lot to think about!

Whether your child is one of the 100+ new campers joining the Jacobs family this year, or one of the almost 400 returning campers, we want to be sure that our entire community feels prepared and ready for a summer of Jacobs magic.

We will do everything we can to ensure each camper has an easy transition into camp, but we are also counting on you to help your child feel prepared. Here are some ways you can get ready as a family:

  • Focus on all of the wonderful experiences to come For first time campers, it can be very helpful for parents to focus on all of the amazing things that they will experience – new friends and exciting activities. Here you can talk through what a typical day is like at camp, and here you can watch a video of some of the cool things your camper has to look forward to!
  • Remember that every year is different For returning campers, it may be helpful to remember that they will be arriving at camp one year older. While many things will be the same, some things may seem different than they did the previous year as they will be seeing things through “different eyes”.
  • Make a plan for what to do when your child misses home Homesickness is perfectly normal, and it may help to talk through a plan of what your child can do when they miss home. For younger campers, this may mean packing a familiar stuffed animal or for any camper, this could mean hanging photos of family in their area of the cabin. Our wonderful counselors are well equipped to help all of our campers feel comfortable and at-home at camp.
  • Don’t forget to prepare yourself too! Sending your child off for 10 days, 1 month or even the whole summer can feel like a daunting task. Please know that we are here for you! You can always contact us here at camp 601-885-6042 or

We also have a great online community of first-time and experienced camp parents in our Jacobs Camp Parents 2018 Facebook group. Please click here to request membership in this group.  This is a great space to post questions and hear feedback from some lifelong Jacobs Camp parents!

Please note, while we are excited to offer this opportunity to build a community of camp parents, this is not the best way to reach the Jacobs Camp Leadership Team. As always, if you have questions or concerns specific to your child, please contact camp directly at 601-885-6042 or

Please don’t hesitate to let us know how we can make this summer amazing for your camper and for you!

