
Maccabiah, Wacky Sports, and Fun with Chickens – Week 3, Session 2, Summer 2024

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp! It is hard to believe that we are already preparing for our last Shabbat together! We are making the most of every moment here at camp and having so much fun with our friends. While the session is coming to a close too soon, I know...

Video: Week 3 in Review – Session 2 – Summer 2024 POSTS

Video: Olim B Slide Show – Summer 2024 POSTS

Olim Fun, Messy Nights, and Podcasts – Week 2 in the Books

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp! The second week of the session is already coming to a close, and camp is flying by! It is hard to believe that we will say goodbye to our Olim campers this weekend! It has been such a blessing to have our camp community together, and...

Video: Week 2 in Review – Session 2 – Summer 2024 POSTS

Opening Day, Buddies, and Olim-pics – Week 1, Session 2

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp! Session 2 is off to a great start, and we are so happy to have our Session 2 campers home! Take a look at all the fun in the week in review video. We hit the ground running with an incredible Opening Ceremony, filled the dining hall...

Video: Week 1 in Review – Session 2 – Summer 2024 POSTS

Video: Second Session Opening Day | Summer 2024 POSTS

Video: Second Session, we are ready for you! POSTS

Video: Session 1 | Summer 2024 POSTS