Enjoying all the fun and magic inherent in the best summer ever at Jacobs Camp is certainly not to be taken lightly – and now, our best and brightest staffers have an opportunity for so much more!

As former URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy instructor and aspiring product manager Jacob Paikoff writes in this article:

After interviewing almost 20 product managers at companies of all sizes, I realized something surprising: that I already possess the skills necessary for being a product manager and leading a team to successfully launch a product. These were skills I honed working during my 4 years as Robotics Lead Instructor at the URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech Academy…

Jacob Paikoff is right.

With his insight in mind and in an effort to bring our amazing staff members home to the gate on Morrison Road, Jacobs’ new Staff Internship Program will offer them a chance to gain real-world skills, career-oriented work experience, and professional growth opportunities – all within a supportive, nurturing environment.

What’s more, the internships will provide local businesses and organizations with a cadre of skilled, motivated, enthusiastic, and hard-working young people – and real-world venues in which our staff can test their wings.

To ensure the initiative’s success, though, we need you!

Can you offer an internship in a business or non-profit setting in May or August of 2019? If so, here are the five steps to follow to make certain career-building is part of Jacobs Magic this summer:

  1. Provide all the internship details by February 1 on this form.
  2. Interview candidates in March. (We’ll market the opportunity to our staff and help match you with high quality, qualified, and skilled candidates.)
  3. Offer internships to selected candidates by April 1.
  4. Host an intern or interns for an agreed upon period of time (We’ll check-in regularly with you and your intern(s) to see how things are going.)
  5. Share with your interns the many ways camp impacted your professional life and career.

If you have questions or need more information, please email Joshua Posner, assistant director of Jacobs Camp.

In the meantime, Joshua and I – and the rest of the staff – wish you and your families all good things in 2019. We can’t wait to see you at the gate in fewer than 170 days!


Anna Herman

Director, Henry S. Jacobs Camp