We have so many fun things planned for this summer and we are so excited to offer so many great ways for YOU to stay connected with what’s happening here at camp.

Here are the 5 best ways to keep up with everything happening at HSJ:

1. Subscribe to the Jacobs Camp Blog

Here on the camp blog, you’ll find our “Jacobs Journal” every day. This is where we post the day’s menu, and fun snippets about daily programs and special events. You’ll also find regular posts written by staff members, visiting faculty, guests, and sometimes even campers! Be sure to subscribe here or bookmark this page so you can check back each day around lunch time for new posts.

2. Follow @urjjacobscamp on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter

Follow us on your favorite social media platforms! This is a great way to see more of what’s going on every day at camp. Through these accounts, we will share photos, links to new blog posts, and occasional live updates or livestreams of major events.

We love seeing your social media photos too!  We encourage you to hashtag your own camp photos so we can follow along.  #HSJ2019 #wehavethebestcampers #JacobsMagic

3. View photos of camp happenings via your CampinTouch Account

Every day, we post camp photos to our CampInTouch photo albums. The same CampInTouch website that your family already used to register for camp also includes a secure, easy-to-use platform to view photos of what’s happening all summer. These photos are available to all families free of charge. You may share these photos with friends and family, and buy photos directly from the website, if you wish.

We know how popular the CampInTouch photo albums are. However, please keep the following in mind:

    • The CampInTouch service is meant to be an asset for our families but is absolutely secondary to other camp operations.
    • We will NOT be taking a photograph of every child every day. In fact, we cannot guarantee how often any camper will appear in photos. The primary purpose of sharing daily photos is for families to see the kinds of activities your child is participating in, not to see a picture of your child every day.
    • If you do not see a photo of your child one day, please don’t be concerned. If you’ve been looking for a few days and are concerned, we understand that you may want to contact us. However, please be assured that we will always be in touch if there is a problem regarding your camper.
    • We generally upload photos twice a day (before lunch and after evening programming), but due to the nature of our camp schedule, there is not a set time every day when we guarantee photos will be uploaded.
    • Photos are only a split-second view of an experience that has millions of moments – good, bad and everything in between, so please don’t be concerned if you see your child looking unhappy!

4. Write Letters & Email your camper

We ensure that all campers write home at least 3 times each week, and we know they absolutely love receiving letters from family and friends too! Here is how to address letters to your camper:

Camper’s Name – Cabin #

Henry S. Jacobs Camp

3863 Morrison Road

Utica, MS 39175

Aside from traditional letters and postcards, you can also send emails to your camper. This is an especially great way to stay connected if you will be traveling during the camp session. For information, please check your CampInTouch account.

As a reminder, we have a no-package policy at camp. You can read more about this in your CampInTouch account.

5. Give us a call

As always, if you have questions or concerns specific to your child, please contact camp directly at 601-885-6042. Please don’t hesitate to call or email us here at camp with any questions or concerns throughout the summer.

We can’t wait to connect with you this summer!  You’ll feel like you’re right here at camp — almost!