This week, Maskilimers Zoe and Zac Goldstein shared their thoughts on participating in the Linus Blankets Peulot, where they were able to help make blankets for kids facing difficult circumstances in life. Thank you so much, Zoe and Zac for your openness and courage!

Hi, I’m Zoe Goldstein and Zac Goldstein and we are twins and Maskilim campers at HSJ this summer! This past week, we both participated in the Linus Blankets Peulot, where we made blankets for kids who are sick in the hospital, or in foster homes, or other difficult situations. This activity is a really great way to give back, and extra special for us because our younger brother received one of these blankets when he was in the hospital when he was really little. It was really scary to have our brother be sick and have to go to the hospital twice, but it was amazing to know people out there cared enough to help our family. Being able to give back and do that for someone else was amazing, and we are so thankful Jacobs Camp gave us the opportunity to do that. Here at camp, we talk about building a Kehila Kedosha, or holy community. We can include everyone in our holy community when we provide acts of kindness to strangers. We also learn in Judaism about the different kinds of charity, and how doing something anonymously is especially important because you do it just out of the kindness of your heart. Linus Blankets are always anonymous because it isn’t important for other people to know who is helping them, just that there are people out there who care.