I have held many roles at camp over my seven years on staff, some of them being Machon, Maskilim, Talmidim, and Chalutzim counselor, Gesher director (for two weeks), Quartermaster (for a day), Mail specialist. by far my favorite role has been serving as the Olim Unit Head. There is something so special about the ten days jammed packed with fun when Olim is at camp. This summer, I had the pleasure of giving 60 campers the summer of a lifetime. 

When I took this job two years ago, it was because my good friend and former Assistant Director,  Adam Orlansky, asked me to. It gave me a chance to come back to camp. Three years later I find myself returning again. Despite annually promising my mom I’ve completed my final summer at camp, something always draws me back here. Though there are so many reasons I want to return summer after summer, I think it is the refreshing innocence, love, and joy that the Olimers bring to Jacobs camp that has kept me coming home. 

This summer was particularly amazing. I was able to watch 60 campers fall in love with the same place that I fell in love with when I was an olimer in 2001. This summer I had the honor to be the unit head for my Olim counselor’s daughter.  I also started what I hope to be a tradition of “Take an Olimer to work day.” This special day gave our youngest campers an opportunity to know the impact they have on our community, and build strong connections with the entirety of our staff. The few hours that these kids spent with leadership team and specialists brought endless joy to not only these campers but all of HSJ.  

While I know my time at camp has to come to an end, I feel confident that Jacobs Camp will continue to grow and thrive every year to make each summer bigger and better than the last. I can’t wait to come back to visit, and to one day drop off my children at Olim and watch them fall in love with my second home.