25 years ago I was 12 years old and ready for  a summer at Jacob’s camp! I can honestly say I did not know or understand the impact my short time at camp would have on me.

Most of my family and some of my friends were lifetime Jacob’s campers: young campers, then older campers, then Israel trip, and finally counselors.  I was not a lifetime Jacob’s camper as I only went for two years.

Despite only going for two years, camp was always happening around me. Friends were going, family was going, and eventually my family members were working there. In many ways, I simply didn’t understand the magic.

Dropping off my son, Jack for the 50th anniversary of Jacob’s camp made the magic come alive for me.  As we drove through the gates and the crowds of cheering counselors, my mind flashed back to thoughts of my own days at camp. Song sessions, crazy dancing counselors, the 25th anniversary cake we ate to celebrate that milestone, added to the many Jewish experiences and camaraderie I shared with my camp friends!

I was elated that my son, too would be experiencing these types of memories and would be spending time getting in touch with his Jewishness and the southern Jewish community.  I really didn’t appreciate how much the memories I had made affected who I have become. Given current events, it feels like being a part of a Jewish community is more important than ever and camp is providing this loving, supportive and magical opportunity for Jack.

Thinking about how Henry S. Jacob’s camp has been creating Jewish communities for 50 years makes me extremely proud that Jack and I are part of the Magic!

Jack Silverman 2019 (Henry S. Jacobs Camp)                         Yale Silverman 1994 (Henry S. Jacobs Camp)