Hello Jacobs Camp Family!

I hope everyone is safe and healthy, during this time of unknowns.  Here in DC we are staying home, and always looking for the joyful moments that carry our family through the day to day.  My husband, Jacob, is a Jacobs alum, our son, Hersh, will be in Garin 2, daughter Alte, is looking forward to Olim 1, and Sender, age 2, looks forward to being a Jacobs camper one day.

As we all dream about coming home to Utica, we  have the unique opportunity to now turn inward and focus in on being with our families in a way that we haven’t before.  With our day to day being localized to our nuclear family, and our homes, I encourage everyone to see this moment in time as a gift–one that can lead to togetherness, connection, and opportunities for creativity, messiness, and joyful play!

As part of my professional work, I have the opportunity to provide support to families, as they establish “the new normal.”  One tangible way I have done this, that I would now like to share with all of you, is through my weekly “10 Ideas” series.  Each Friday, I provide new list of fun, simple, sometimes messy, open ended, creative, easily accessible ideas that can be utilized by families. Each idea is intended to increase the joy, get kids outside, and give parents an opportunity to take a deep breath, and connect with their children.  Pick and choose from the many ideas–adapt, repeat, but most of all enjoy!

The “10 Ideas” Lists can be found here, on the website for my school–


Please let me know if you have any questions, feedback, or are in  need parenting support—I’m always happy to be a resource to parents.

Sending love, peace, and sunshine y’all!

Darci Lewis
Assistant Director & Curriculum Specialist
Gan HaYeled, Congregation Adas Israel
Washington, DC