Hey everyone! It’s Lilah, the NFTY Southern Programming Vice President this year!
We’ve had a short break in programming during September but now we’re coming back with some exciting virtual events! My position as PVP has definitely been interesting to navigate with this year’s changes, but our region has been holding up strong. I feel constant support from my NFTY friends, peers, fellow board members, and even my new friends from other regions. I also recognize that our TYGs have been doing great and have hard-working boards. Firsthand, I’ve noticed that LAFTY has had an especially successful start with engaging programs although having a limited board.
Coming up, we’ve got some fun and festive programs in the making for the rest of 2020. We’re going to be working with some new adult partners that will strengthen each event while we show them the exciting culture that comes with NFTY SO. Our first event will be Havdalah and a spooky movie to be announced later on our social media. We’ll also be having a laid back Among Us program where everyone can play the viral game with their friends on November 1st. Following that, we’ll have Zumba, a Thanksgiving feast, and an animal-inclusive program all spread out from November through the beginning of December. To finish off the rest of the year, we’ll be hosting a ‘Brain Break’ event where we can have a brief pause on our studying and support each other throughout the stressful exam season.
We hope to see everyone at these exciting new events! To sign up for every program, you must be registered for RJ on the Go and then you can view everything we offer along with other regions. From there, you can access each zoom link that we’ll meet on. Be sure to reach out to anyone on board if you need help getting set up, and look out for our posts on Facebook and Instagram. Stay in touch, NFTY SO!
Howdy, everyone! My name is Lilah and I’ve lived in Little Rock, Arkansas my whole life. Despite growing up in the same city for sixteen years, I’ve found a second home within Jacobs Camp since I was nine. My summers consisted of making lifelong memories and friends which translated over to the warm NFTY community as I got older. I’ve been involved with NFTY Southern since my very first middle school event, and I spent last year serving as LAFTY’s Social Action Vice President before becoming the 5781-5782 regional Programming Vice President. Judaism has shaped my youth incredibly and I’m so proud to be a part of something bigger than just myself!