The definition of Hanukkah is Rededication which directly applies to our beloved Henry S. Jacobs Camp. As we are called to RE-dedicate ourselves annually, we all know that HSJ has done this miraculously for 51 years, and each of us is a proud point of light in that journey. As each summer is a new community with its committed staff members and loyal campers,  we must focus on this re-creation annually.

Within the Mansberg family, we have pursued this  l’dor v’dor (from generation to generation). My father grew up as Mr. Henry S. Jacob’s neighbor and congregant in New Orleans representing those first small contributions to Southern Jewish camping. My parents chose to send us (my sister starting in 1972 and me in 1975) in the search for a wider community as Israel’s success and struggle sparked Jewish pride.  Little did they know I would never leave, meet the love of my life, and instill HSJ values in a third generation.

Here lies the Miracle – – Rededication,  annually to inspire a unique community that allows us to care for one another,  embrace changes, and meet the challenges our world presents. We light this sixth candle for the miracle that is our future, our next generation. Chag sameach!

Danny Mansberg served as the Chair of the Camp Committee from 2011-2015. Danny lives with his wife, Leigh, in Memphis, TN.