I am so different from how I was five years ago. I used to only talk to 3 people and now I would describe myself as unnaturally extroverted. 

One thing that hasn’t changed though, is my love for art. 


Jacobs camp has a wonderful tradition of “take a Chalutz to work day” where the oldest campers shadow a staff member for a day. In my Chalutzim year, I was assigned to the Visual Arts Specialist. It was a great day! I got to lead some activities and dress like her. She apologized for not being able to do as cool things as the directors got to do with their assigned kids, but that did not matter to me because I was so hyped to be the art person 


I intended on being just a counselor this year. I knew this position was in my future, but I had not expected it this soon. When this position was offered to me, I had to consider it for a week before deciding. 


It is very funny that I ended up being conflicted between counselor and Arts Specialist because my first year on staff I thought I would fail so badly at being a counselor that they would have to take me out of cabin and put me in a different position. That year I even signed up for the art specialist position even though I wasn’t old enough just to send the message that I anticipated to fail as a counselor 


The biggest plot twist in my life was loving being a counselor and feeling really competent. Because of that, I really wanted to be a counselor again,  so that made my decision hard. 


I also think part of me wasn’t ready to go full circle yet. I did not get too many circle moments at camp. No one in my family went here, so I couldn’t say I was standing in the same place as someone. Additionally, I was only a camper for 2 years so I have fewer moments to come back to. So this was very special to me and I honestly didn’t feel ready. 

I am very happy I chose this job. I am getting to explore a different side of camp and learn more aboutmy strengths and weaknesses. Even though this moment is coming full circle, it doesn’t mean there can’t be new circles