In my last post, I told you I was at a loss for words to describe my gratitude to have our community back together. Well, apparently, the trend continues. Even after opening the gates last Sunday and seeing my previous campers come home, and new faces experiencing camp for the first time, I still have no words for the elation, relief, and sheer delight that were everywhere, as our entire community realized what it means for us—individually and collectively—to be back at camp after all we’ve been through in the last 15 months! Click here to check out all the Jacobs Magic from this week in our first Week in Review Video!

Before long, everyone was settled in and catching up with friends, reaching out to soon-to-be friends, and gearing up for new experiences. Just as our wearing masks at camp is a new (and no-big-deal) experience, we’re choosing to view the year of COVID-19 through a lens of new opportunities, focusing on what we can do and see and experience at camp that’s new and different and potentially terrific. 

With that idea in mind, we’ve revamped the schedule so our campers are getting an amazing sampler of all camp has to offer—and everyone is loving it, especially me! I particularly enjoy seeing kids in the art room whom I’ve never seen in there before. They’re open to new ideas, willing to venture beyond what is familiar, and, best of all, they’re having an incredible time doing something they haven’t done before!

Here’s a quick rundown of both the new and the known that kept our campers busy this week.

For starters, thanks to the Jewish Life Department, all our campers spent time talking about responsibility—what it means and why it’s important.  

Olim, our youngest campers, spent their days playing sports, cooking in the new test kitchen, and having fun with the chickens! Their evenings were filled with various events—one focused on spies, another on holidays, and a third on a trip around the world. They also had a great time with the Creative Arts Department, and since Olim is with us for only 14 days, we really have to pack in the fun!

Dance, performing arts, and adventure games were on the daytime docket for Garin, our 4th and 5th grade campers. Their evening programs included American Ninja Warrior, a Sports Department activity, and an “Among Us”-themed event. It was a great mix of programming for the entire group!

Maskilim’s daytime activities included the art room, dance, and gymnastics. A scavenger hunt, Game of Life, and an arts department program filled in the evenings for our 6th and 7th graders—and everyone had a great time!

Our 8th and 9th-grade campers, Talmidim, had quite a mix of daytime activities—STEM, boating, and cooking in the new test kitchen. At night, they had Shark Tank, Amazing Race, and an outstanding Adventure Department program. All of it made for lots of fun for all!

Finally, our Solelim, 12th graders who are leaders and counselors-in-training, spent the week gearing up for a busy summer and learned which units and departments they’ll be working with.

And in the blink of an eye, here we are at Friday, winding down the week. Everyone’s looking forward to the first camp Shabbat in a very, very long time. We’re grateful for our Jacobs rituals and traditions, and as always, Shabbat will feature services, dinner (and, of course, a delicious cobbler’s on the dessert menu!),  and Shabbat Song Session. Tomorrow we’ll rest and recharge for another terrific, fun-filled week ahead!

Shabbat shalom and love to y’all!


Jacobs Camp Director