When we broke out of pods, I had a jumble of emotions. On one hand, I felt pure joy that things were going to be different. I also felt relief that everyone was negative. On the other hand, I felt unsure and nervous about what it meant and what camp would be like. However, with the help and support of my counselors and friends, I felt safe and am having a blast at camp.

One of the first things I felt after pods broke was the comforting embrace from my brother, Hugh. That hug meant so much to me. Being able to interact with the people I love and had missed without having to worry about covid is truly a blessing.

Now that we are out of pods, I can go back to the activities that I love and even try new ones! I also love the solelim my cabin got after pods broke! I am truly having the best summer ever and I cannot wait to see what else I get to do, and who else I get to meet, since pods are broken!

Gillian is a maskilimer from Memphis, TN.