Maskilim Unit Head

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Josh Balkin

Hi! I am Josh Balkin and I am from New Orleans. I am so excited to be the Maskilim unit head this summer! I was a 10-year camper (plus Kochavim) and this will be my 5th summer on staff. In past summers I have been a counselor, bike specialist, and Solelim advisor, as well as the Kochavim unit head. I just graduated from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics and following the summer I will be moving to Dallas to start my career as a private asset analyst. Jacobs camp is my favorite place in the world and I am thrilled to be able to spend another summer here.

Maskilim Girl Counselors

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Emma Carter

My name is Emma Carter and I am from Northwest Arkansas and I am going to be a counselor and lifeguard this summer. I was a camper at Jacobs for 6 years and then attended the NFTY in Israel trip. Since I began to for my Bat Mitzvah project, I have volunteered at a local nursing home painting residents’ nails each week. I also have always been a volunteer peer tutor. Some other fun facts about me are that I am vegan; I have 4 siblings who have all also gone to camp; I am very social and love people and animals; I love doing yoga and meditating; I love exercising (pilates, walking, yoga, and weightlifting); and since going to Israel I literally only wear elephant pants.

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Madyson O’quain

I am from Lake Charles, Louisiana. I mostly just go to school or work, hang out with my friends when I can. I am going to be a counselor at camp this summer. I’ve been at camp for 9 years, going to be 10. When I can in between school or work, I try to volunteer at Hobo Hotel, a rescue cat center where you can go and socialize with the cats to get them ready for house life. My temple holds a food drive where we package sandwiches and other food options to give out around town to any homeless and to the women’s shelter.

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Sara Springle

Hi, I’m Sara and I’m going to be a science specialist at camp. I’m from Saint Petersburg, Florida, and I’m currently a senior in college in Atlanta, Georgia. This is going to be my first summer at camp, which I’m very excited about! Having gone to and worked at a variety of different summer camps, I know that every camp is unique, and I’m so excited to discover everything that makes Jacobs Camp special.

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Shani Aharon

My name is Shani Aharon and I live in Gani Tikva, where I work in a bakery! I am excited to be the cooking specialist and a counselor. This is my first time at Jacobs and I am excited to be here and get cooking with the campers! Between my cooking, I volunteered some and did things such as deliver food to families in need, donating blood, and giving out cakes for Purim!

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Emma Benjamin

My name is Emma Benjamin and I’m going to be a counselor this year! I’m a rising sophomore at Rhodes College in Memphis, TN with a plan to major in Anthropology/Sociology and History. I’m originally from New Orleans, LA and this will be my ninth summer at camp!

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Wyatt Davidson

Hi! My name is Wyatt Davidson and I am from a small town called Meridian, MS. I like to hang out with friends, study very hard, play loads of sports, spend lots of time with family. I will be a first-year counselor. I have spent nine years as a camper at Henry S. Jacobs Camp. I play a huge role in volunteer work in my hometown. I have visited a local group home for the past 7 years. I was even fortunate enough to have it named after me! I also am the social chairman of a girl’s high school club that helps volunteer in different works all across Meridian. Volunteerism is a huge aspect of my life!

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Hannah Bienvenu

Hi! I am Hannah! I am from Baton Rouge. I am a full time student studying Apparel Design and Communication Disorders. Part time I run an online business selling secondhand clothes. I am the Visual Arts Specialist this year and I am super excited to incorporate fashion into our projects! I was only a camper for 2 years, but I am making up my missed time on staff! This is my second year on staff. During the year, I volunteer a lot with our local cat shelter. I hope to do more volunteer work related to teaching sewing skills in the future.

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Jordan Collins

I am from Little Rock, Arkansas. Throughout the year I attend college at Hendrix University while simultaneously working on the weekends at a local pizza place. This summer, I will be attending camp as a camp counselor. This will be my seventh summer at Jacobs camp. I, unfortunately, haven’t been able to do much volunteer work this year due to covid restrictions, but I am hoping to become more involved as restrictions continue to lift.

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Molly Frohsin

I’m Molly and I use they/them pronouns! I’m from Birmingham, Alabama, but I go to Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania and study Japanese language for my East Asian Studies major. Last summer I was able to work at my local popsicle store, and this year I’ve been helping around the kitchen and serving food at my college’s dining hall! Though I haven’t been able to do many musical activities this year, I sang in my high school’s choir for five years and was even able to work in a separate choir. Some of my favorite things include singing, cooking, art, languages, Japanese culture (including anime!), writing, and travel. This will be my tenth summer at camp, so I can’t wait to be a counselor this year!