Those who have worked on staff at Jacobs Camp know that the Jacobs Magic continues even as you graduate from a camper to becoming a “magic maker”. During the summer, our amazing staff members make a lasting impact on the lives of our campers while developing their own important lifelong skills and having the summer of a lifetime. And the connections our staff create at camp extend long after the summer. A popular refrain from staff members is “Camp Never Ends”.

Read on to hear from a few of our staff members about their “Camp Never Ends” moments!

Wyatt Davidson and Emma Mansberg

I was walking down the street to go study at a coffee shop on a random Saturday morning and all of a sudden I see this girl running towards me! After a triple-take I realized it was Emma Mansberg. She stopped her fast-pace run and we caught up like we never left off from the summer!! It was so crazy that out of all the people in Atlanta I would see her. It made me realize that camp is such a special and wholesome place, and no matter where in the world you are, you always find your way back home!



Noah Saperstein and Eliza Lieberman

Eliza and I met up where I go to school, Bowdoin College in Maine. After working as one of her counselors while she was my unit head last summer, we shared a lot of funny stories, similar music taste and became friends. We ended up grabbing lunch together and catching up about all sorts of things outside of camp. Camp creates a community of Southern Jews that stretches across the USA and seeing these friends again always makes me feel like I’m at home.



Ofir Aloush and the Mishlachat

We met up at Gili’s house after camp with all of the Israelis from the Mishlachat. We wanted to catch up on everything, see how everyone’s doing, and bring back memories from our summer.😍



About the Authors

Wyatt Davidson

Wyatt spent 9 years as a camper at Henry S. Jacobs Camp and supported camp this summer as a Maskilim counselor.

Noah Saperstein

Summer 2021 was Noah’s 8th summer at Jacobs Camp but only his first as a counselor where he worked with Talmidim.

Ofir Aloush

From Israel, this was Ofir’s first time going to camp and she was so excited to be the gymnastics specialist and a Talmidim counselor.


Thank You 2022 Donors!

Thank You 2022 Donors!

Thank You 2022 Donors! The support of our generous community has truly been the backbone of everything we do at Jacobs Camp. In 2022, we saw record enrollment numbers with over 525 campers attending one of our sessions, and we are on track for similar enrollment...