Unit Head

Marley Aamodt
Hi! My name is Marley Aamodt, and I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. I am graduating from the University of Georgia this May with a degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Disabilities Studies. I will also be starting my doctorate in August at Belmont’s School of Occupational Therapy in Nashville, TN. This summer will be my 10th summer at Jacobs Camp, and I am so excited to be the Chalutzim Unit Head! Jacobs Camp has had such an impactful and special place in my heart ever since I can remember, and I am so excited I get to come back for another great summer and provide a meaningful experience to more campers.

JK Bain
Hey, I’m JK Bain, and I’m from New Orleans. During the year, I’m a full- time student at the Univeristy of Maryland for engineeing, but I’m excited to be joining the team at camp as a counselor this summer. I’ve been at camp for ten years now, and I’m ready to make this the best summer yet. When I’m not at camp, I enjoy filmaking, playing sports, and being a Saints fan. I’m looking forward to bringing positive energy to camp and making some unforgettable memories!

Talia Buxbaum
Hello, I am currently a painting major studying in Boston,MA. I grew up mostly in Mississippi and this will be my 12th summer at camp! I did Solelim and spent one summer as a counselor on staff. This summer I will be a Chalutzim counselor.

Evan Carter
My name is Evan, and I am currently a freshman at the University of Michigan, pursuing a Bachelor’s in Business Administration. Outside of class, I am involved in a few extracurriculars like the club swim team and a fraternity. I love spending time outdoors and hanging out with friends, both things I love to do at camp. I first came to camp in Garin 1, and it is now my 3rd year on staff.

Lilah Goldman
Hello! I’m Lilah (she/her) and I’m from Little Rock, Arkansas. I will be entering my junior year at Bryn Mawr College after camp, where I’m double majoring in English Literature and Education. This is my fourth year on staff and I am so excited to be back with campers and in the art room.

Emma Goldstein
I have been going to camp for 13 years and keep coming back for more! I am going to be a junior at Alabama studying engineering but in my free time I love the visual arts and waterskiing. My favorite part about camp is that I continue to make new friends every year. ROLL TIDE!

Donovan Ligier
My name is Donovan Ligier, I am originally from California, went to upper school in NOLA, live in Pittsburgh, PA and go to school in Indiana. I went to camp for 2 years (chalutzim canceled) and will be a 3rd-year staff member this year. I love camp because I love being surrounded by my jewish community in a carefree and fun environment. Since I have spent the last year in a majority catholic school, it will be nice to finally be back with my community. I am very excited to be at camp because of all the lifelong lasting memories that I will be able to help safely create for my campers.

Nico Lupin
My name is Nico Lupin and I am from New Orleans, LA. I go to NYU and am studying business and finance. In my free time, I play soccer, tennis, piano, and DJ. Looking forward to this summer!

Zoey Rockoff
Hi! My name is Zoey Rockoff and I am from Jackson, Mississippi. I am going into my junior year at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. I am a History major and I work in admissions and the library as a student manager. Outside of working on campus, I am a member of Kenyon College Rugby Club (KCRC) and Cinnearts. I will spend my spring semester abroad in Cape Town, South Africa! I have gone to camp since Kochavim and this is my third summer as a counselor. This summer I will also be acting as the History Intern helping to preserve Jacob Camp’s history and archives! Can’t wait for the summer 🙂

Adi Yovel
My name is Adi Yovel and I am from Nahariya, Israel. I came back for my second year at Jacobs Camp to be a Chalutzim counselor because I love camp and the friends I’ve made on staff here. I love to travel, explore new culture, and workout.