Unit Head

Jack Finger

Hi, I’m Jack! I’m originally from New Orleans, but I’ve lived in Louisiana, Utah, California, and Italy. This year, I’m a Unit Head, but during the school year I’m a 9th grade English teacher in Pointe Coupee — A little parish outside of Baton Rouge. I’m also one of the speech and debate coaches there, and I’m proud to say that I’ve just received my teaching license. This is my first summer with Jacobs Camp, so I’m excited to get involved and see what all the fuss is about! Also, before you ask, yes Ana Finger is my younger sister.



Irune Cano Arranz

My name is Irune, and I am from Barcelona, Spain. I study animation, and I am on my final year. It’s my first time at camp, and I am so excited. My role this summer is a cabin counselor. I can speak three languages: English, Spanish and Catalan. I love music, art and animals 🙂

Ollie Duben

My name is Ollie Duben. It’s my 8th summer at HSJ, and I’m a rising high school Senior. I hope to go to nursing school when I am finished with highschool. During my free time I enjoy reading, doodling, and making friendship bracelets. I’m excited to get to know your camper this summer, help give them the best summer of their life, and help them love camp as much as I do!

Zachary Goldstein

Hi! My name is Zac and I’m excited for my 11th year at Jacobs camp. I’m a rising senior in Raleigh, NC and in my free time I like to hike, rock climb, run, and read books. My passions include history, technical theater, and performing arts.

Lily Hirsch

My name is Lily, and I am from Memphis, TN. This will be my 11th summer at camp, and I am so excited to be a counselor!! During the year, I volunteer as a tutor for elementary school students and for ACT prep. This fall, I will be a freshman at UCLA!

Sofia Jalenak

I am from Memphis, TN. I am a college student at Washington University of St. Louis. I am studying biomedical engineering and am involved in my sorority AEPhi where we host shabbats to give back to sharsheret. My role at camp is a counselor. This will be my 9th summer at camp.

Zoey Lincove

My name is Zoey, and I am coming from Baltimore, MD to spend my summer at Jacobs Camp! I spent nine years as a camper at Jacobs Camp and this summer, I was a Solelim participant! I am very excited to now be in a cabin with campers as a junior counselor for Garin! I am looking forward to making cool craft projects with my campers and getting to know all of the amazing campers that come to Jacobs Camp! For me, this summer is very exciting because I am now able to create magical memories for campers, similar to the experiences that I remember with my counselors!

Facundo Ramirez Lopez

I’m from Mexico; specifically from Puebla, Mexico. During the year, I study Textile Design! First session, I worked at Jacobs Camp within the Operations Support Team but this session, I am going to be a Garin counselor and I am so excited! This summer is my first year at Jacobs Camp and I am having a ton of fun experiencing all of the magic!


Shirel Lunknel

My name is Shirel and I traveled from Israel to spend my summer at Jacobs Camp! This is my first year here and I am so excited to be a Garin counselor this session. I am looking forward to making great memories with my cabin, spending my summer in Utica, Mississippi, and learn more about Judaism!

Aiden Middleburg

Hey! My name is Aiden Middleburg and I am coming from New Orleans, Louisiana. This is my seventh summer at camp and I am really excited to be a Garin counselor! The Jacobs Magic has always been so magical to me and it makes me so happy to know that this summer, I have the chance to create that Jacobs Magic for my campers! I can’t wait to get to know all of my campers and I am looking forward to having the best summer ever!

Hugh Parker

Hi my name is Hugh and I’m so excited to be a Garin counselor! I live in Memphis, Tennessee and have been going to camp for 10 years. I am looking forward to getting to know all of my campers. In my free time I run and play soccer.

Hannah Reagler

I am from Hot Springs, Arkansas. I am going to be a camp counselor this year. I’ll be mainly focused on the chickens and the gardening this year. This will be my second year as a staff, but I’ve been going to camp for 12 years now. I play cello and am a student leader at my school. I go to college at William and Mary.


Mimi Reagler

I am from Hot Springs, Arkansas. I am attending Washington University St. Louis as a freshman this fall. This summer, I am going to be a camp counselor. This is my 10th summer at camp. This school year I volunteered with our local scouting troops as an Eagle Scout.


Miguel “Vicens” Sanchez

Hi, I go by Vicens, and I am from Puebla, Mexico. In my university, I study mechatronics engineering. During my free time, I enjoy participating in theater productions where I get to plan and produce awesome performances! This is my first summer at Jacobs Camp, and I look forward to meeting all of my campers and having a great summer!


Melanie Smet

Hey, my name is Melanie Smet, and I’m from Virginia. I am a rising senior in high school. In my free time I love to paint and read. I’ve been a camper for 7 years and I can’t wait to be a junior counselor!

Jacob Smith

HI! My name is Jacob Smith and I am from Clinton, MS! I’ve been a camper at Jacobs Camp for 8 years and this year at Jacobs Camp, I am particularly excited about meeting all of my Garin campers and having the best summer ever. I can’t wait to share in the fun and create lasting memories together. I am committed to making every moment, both small and big, memorable. With a passion for creativity, I aim to contribute to an unforgettable summer for everyone.

Fernando Rojas Veles

I am Fernando Rojas, I live in the city of Huila, Colombia and I am a seventh-semester student of social communication and journalism at the Surcolombiana University. During the year, in addition to studying, I work on weekends as a waiter in a small restaurant in my city, I give personalized English classes to people in my community and from time to time I record acoustic covers of my favorite songs for my YouTube channel. This is my second year as a camp counselor at Jacobs Camp. I really like this job because I learn a lot about everything.