A Challenging But Joyful Week

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp!

As Shabbat begins this week, I want to acknowledge that this has been a challenging week here at camp. However, there is still a lot of joy and fun and I’d still love to share all of that with you. We are sending all of our Jacobs Camp love to the campers who are at home, and we can’t wait for their return! Check out some of the joy in the Week in Review video.

Our Olimers have had so much fun this week! Olim A (our 10 day program) finished their session on Wednesday. They had such a blast, and loved their slideshow so much that they watched it twice. We miss them already!

All of Olim celebrated camp Mardi Gras and everyone lined up along their parade route to catch beads and cheer them on. Tomorrow is “Take an Olimer to Work Day”, where our olimers each get to be in charge of camp for the day!

In Garin this week, we were so excited to welcome back a camper that had left to quarantine. We look forward to welcoming back more campers in the days to come! Garin cabins also celebrated bunk night, including Cabin 1 who gave their unit head, Elijah, an amazing makeover, and Cabin 12 who became Jedi masters and wizards.

Maskilim had a blast at their camp out and enjoyed bonding time during their bunk nights. They played dodgeball with the Solelim, got to make music videos in performing arts, and tried out cooking, biking, archery and more!

Talmidim campers have had a lot of fun making music videos with their cabins, bonding with their counselors, and even enjoying a special ice cream treat!

Solelim has been having a blast running evening programs, which they created for each unit. One of our Solelimers said “it is just so rewarding to see a program that I worked really hard on come to life at camp!” We are so thankful for this group! They have been been rolling with the punches, and are so helpful to the rest of our staff.

About the Author

Anna Herman

Anna is so excited to be the Executive Director of the URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp. Anna grew up in Dothan, AL, and began attending the Henry S. Jacobs Camp at age 11. In addition to being a camper, Anna also was a counselor and unit head.