Another Fun Week at HSJ!
Anna’s Blog Session 2 Week 2 2022
Shabbat shalom from Jacobs Camp, where it’s been another busy, wonderful, and fun week! It’s going by too fast! Check out what we have been up to in the Week in Review Video!
Olim created paper-bag puppets for a terrific puppet show, made s’mores on their campout, and had a great bunk night. Olim’s week was also packed with Extravaganza, Talent Show, and Messy Night, but the highlight of everyone’s week was “Take an Olimer to Work” Day, which paired each Olim camper with a HSJ staff member to learn about the staff member’s job at camp! It was great fun for all, including the staff!
Garin started the first week of chugim, choosing among Arts and Crafts, Dance, Decorating Camp, Net Sports, and Wacky Science. They also honed their improv skills, celebrated Yom Yisrael, and got super-duper messy during Messy Night!
Maskilim picked their specialty camp, choosing sports, adventure, farming, visual arts, or performing arts. They also played capture the flag in a really big way, got themselves and their clothes totally messy as part of Messy Night, built a fire to roast s’mores, and shared bunk night as a cabin.
Talmidim’s bunk night kicked off the week, and they also started the first week of specialty camp with adventure, sports, or performing arts, farming, and visual arts! During the Talmidim talent show, they showed off their talent and rounded out the week with a swim under the stars!
Chalutzim campers were guests at the Garin talent show and celebrated the extra special ritual of Chalutzim bunk night. They also played lots and lots of their favorite sports in an evening program and learned how they can help make the world a better place.
We’re winding down for Shabbat and sending love to all our Jacobs families.
Shabbat Shalom Y’all!
About the Author
Anna B. Herman
Anna is so excited to be the Executive Director of the URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp. Anna grew up in Dothan, AL, and began attending the Henry S. Jacobs Camp at age 11. In addition to being a camper, Anna also was a counselor and unit head. Following graduation from the University of Alabama, she became the assistant director at Jacobs, after which she served as a congregational youth director and as the assistant director of the URJ Meetings and Conventions Department. Anna then transitioned to the assistant director of business operations for the URJ’s camping system. In this role, in which she partnered with our 14 URJ camps across North America, she gained a wealth of camping knowledge.
Throughout, she remained connected to Jacobs Camp as a lay leader, serving as the Camp Committee – Development Committee Chair. She also met her husband Nadav at Jacobs Camp, and surrounded by family and many friends from Jacobs and the URJ, they were married at the chapel on Lake Gary.
Anna is thrilled to be home to lead the Jacobs community, and to inspire generations of future campers to create Jacobs “magic” every summer.
Video: Week 1 in Review – Session 2 – Summer 2024 POSTS
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