Unit Head Prayers For An Amazing Summer
I hope every single Olimer learns how special and awesome it is to be a Jacobs Camp camper. I hope each Olimer knows how important and valued they are within our unit and our entire community. I hope all Olimers feel safe and comfortable within the family we create and find joy in all the silly things we do. I hope the Olimers have the space to grow and learn new skills (and maybe even try new foods)! I hope the Olimers feel every ounce of the Jacobs Magic this summer and end their time in Utica already counting down to next year.
-Hayley Royal: Olim Unit Head
Our prayers for Garin are centered around the joy and well being of all the campers in the unit. We hope that they explore their passions further and discover new interests. We want to foster a community of love and respect within the unit so that everyone feels safe and comfortable. This summer, we know that our campers are going to make friends that will last a lifetime. Also, they will build a foundation at Jacobs Camp, their forever home. Lastly, we hope each Garin camper experiences self-growth, spiritual connection, and find a strong sense of identity this summer. We know this will be the best summer yet and we cannot wait.
-Abby Shainberg and Zoe Cole: Garin Unit Heads
For my unit, I hope for everyone in Maskilim to feel welcome and find their joy here. I hope to create a family within our unit and form connections that will last far beyond this summer. I also hope to create amazing memories with campers as my counselors and unit heads did with me growing up. Camp has always been a second home to me, and I hope to foster this sense of community for my campers and staff this summer. I am so excited to bond with my campers and get to know each one of them.
-Rebecca Lewis: Maskilim Unit Head
I hope that the Talmidim staff and campers will bond with each other so that they can have the best summer ever, one in which we can all leave feeling that we have grown in a positive environment of camp. I hope that every single person of the Talmidim family feels that they belong here at camp and belong in this unit. I also hope that on top of having fun moments throughout the summer, everyone, including myself can leave at the end and say that they learned something about the world, and about themselves. I cannot wait to meet every single Talmidimer and to have the best, most amazing, most spectacularly awesome summer with them!
-Ben Gettleman: Talmidim Unit Head
I hope that all of my campers have an amazing last summer. I hope that everyone creates countless memories and makes new friends. I am so excited to have another year with these amazing kids and counselors. I am so thankful for the privilege I have to lead this wonderful unit and ensure everyone has a safe and unforgettable summer!
-Ella Rockoff: Chalutzim Unit Head
About the Author
Hayley Royal
Zoe Cole
Abby Shainberg
Rebecca Lewis
Ben Gettleman
Ella Rockoff
Our Olim-Chalutzim Unit Heads are so excited for an amazing Summer 2023! They can’t wait to welcome your children home to a summer of Jewish Joy, Jacobs Magic, and TONS of fun!

What We’re Thankful For!
What We're Thankful For! https://vimeo.com/852367296?share=copyRELATED POSTS
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