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Preserving Dream Street’s Magic

Camp Dream Street has been one of the most important aspects of my life since my first year as a counselor in 2017. Through the many stages of my life, Dream Street has remained a constant; it is a major source of my joy and purpose. I still think about my first camper, Chloe, who loved singing Hannah Montana and cheerleading just like me. We loved swimming in the pool together and practicing for the talent show. I fell in love with Dream Street that summer, and I am extremely proud of the work my peers and I have put into it over the years. However, my work with Dream Street now extends beyond simply writing programs and facilitating camp activities. I am excited to share with our community that over the past month I have personally digitized a collection of 1,320 photos taken at Dream Street from 1975 to 2000. 

These photographs span decades, yet each one displays the same magic of Dream Street. The archive consists of photos of campers and staff dancing, fishing, eating, and playing together over the years, just as we do today. The magic of Dream Street shines brightly through each image. This extensive collection is a testament to the enduring spirit of Dream Street. They are evidence of the joy and camaraderie that have been our camp’s hallmark for decades. 

One of my favorite parts of exploring the archive is recognizing familiar faces among the staff. Seeing our current board members and professional staff as young adults, bursting with enthusiasm, offers a profound perspective on the continuity of our community. 

This project embodies the concept of L’Dor V’Dor, “From generation to generation,” that I first learned as a young Jacobs Camper. We are nothing without our community, and we cannot properly understand our present without recognizing the efforts of our predecessors. The stories that these photos tell are not just of times gone by but of shared experiences and values that bind us as one. As I reflect on my time with Dream Street, I am filled with pride and gratitude for being able to be part of something so impactful. Preserving Dream Street’s history is my personal tribute to our collective memory. 

And we need your help! 

As you explore the Camp Dream Street Digital Archive, help us identify the people, dates, and events pictured. Your contributions will enrich our archives and ensure that the legacy of Camp Dream Street continues for generations to come. 

Follow these steps to help out:

  1. Visit the Camp Dream Street Digital Archive
  2. Read the instruction manual for the archive
  3. Comment the names of people you recognize in the photos
  4. Share the archive with other members of the Dream Street Community



About the Author

Rebecca K. 

Rebecca Kornman serves on the Dream Street Leadership Team as Great Expectations Coordinator. She is currently working towards her Master of Library Information Science in archives at Louisiana State University.