Our Jacobs Camp Community

The community at Jacobs Camp extends far beyond the gates on Morrison Road. It spans more than the Deep South…In fact it spans more than the borders of the United States.

During the summer months Jacobs Camp becomes your second home. You are in the “Camp Bubble” ….nothing outside the gates matters. The community starts within your cabin with bunk nights, whispering to friends at rest hour, checking the daily calendar for spirit days and so much more. That community extends to your unit during evening programs, swimming in the lake, chugims and messy nights. And then of course there is the whole camp community with meals in the dining hall, chofesh, Maccabia and, of course, seeing everyone in whites for Shabbat. You have the summer of your life making friends that you cannot wait to go back the next summer to see. Little do you realize these friends are really the start of deep and life-long friendships.

I attended camp from 1983 to 1992 as a camper and then staff member. Today one of my daily text groups is called “Camp Girls.” These 8 ladies are friends I met when I was in Garin, Maskilim and Talmidim. We live all over the US from New York to Utah and from Michigan to Florida. I have attended their weddings and their children’s bar and bar mitzvahs. We text every day to ask each other advice on how to handle a problem with our teenagers or share a funny story. Several years ago we decided that we had to see each other on a regular basis and now we have a “Camp Girls” trip every summer. (Only 44 days until we see each other, but who is counting!)

The Jacob’s Camp Community is not just these close friends but really everyone you meet at camp. This community continues to grow each year as new campers and staff arrive. It spreads across the country and to Israel and beyond as camp alumni send their children back to Jacobs. Once you are a part of the Jacobs Community you will have this lifelong connection. There is always someone you can call or connect with. As I write this, I have spent the day reaching out to my camp friends and parents of my children’s camp friends as I try to navigate a city my daughter is moving to later this summer. Jacobs Jewish geography is real! It is a wonderful network to be a part of!

Wherever you go there is always someone “Jacobs”.

If you would like to reconnect with your #campbestfriends, be sure to join our Henry S. Jacobs Camp Alumni Facebook page





About the Author

Sarah Lewis

Sarah was a camper from 1983 until 1989 and then returned for 2 years on staff. While on staff, she met her husband, Jeff Lewis. Their 3 children–Jessica, Rebecca and Eli–all spent their summers at Jacob’s as campers and then on staff. This summer Rebecca is the Maskilim Unit head and Eli is a 2nd year counselor. Sarah lives in Memphis where she is a professional organizer.


Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp Shabbat shalom from Jacobs Camp, where we’ve had another amazing week! At camp this week, we enjoyed continuing to build our Kehillah Kedoshah (Holy Community). Take a look at all the fun we had in our Week in Review Video. Continuing...