Video: Week 2 in Review – Session 2 – Summer 2024

What Camp Means To Me
Hi, my name is Adi Yovel, and I was the head of the Israeli Mishlachat for Summer 2024. This summer I had the privilege to return to camp as a Chalutzim counselor for my campers from Summer 2023. This year was very different for me as an Israeli at camp, but in all...

Love in Action: B’nai Mitzvah Fundraisers for Jacobs Camp
"As each person is obligated to say: ‘For my sake was the world created.’” – Talmud: Sanhedrin 37a Becoming a B’nai Mitzvah is a meaningful milestone—one that many of our incredible campers choose to mark by giving back to a place that has shaped them: Jacobs Camp....