Lindsay Braunig – Camp Committee Chair – Welcome Home!

This summer, on a Shabbat at Camp, I had the honor of being installed as the Chair of the Jacobs Camp Committee, following in the steps of the inimitable Gary Lazarus. Gary brought me onto the Camp Committee and mentored and encouraged me in the role of Vice Chair, and I’m incredibly grateful to him for his leadership, dedication to camp, and friendship.
The Jacobs Camp Committee exists to support Anna and assist the year-round staff in all kinds of endeavors; and to help build connections with and among all of you, our fantastic Jacobs Camp community.
I come into this role with an unusual profile for the Jacobs Camp Chair, one that I hope will be a strength as we make our tent as big as possible. While I grew up in Shreveport, which is where I met my husband, Warren, a long-time Jacobs camper and staff member, we now live in San Francisco and are raising our three Jacobs campers (Ike, Toby, and Shira) there. I didn’t go to camp at Jacobs, and I didn’t even grow up Jewish – I converted about 20 years ago while in law school in New York. Over the decades that I’ve been part of this Jacobs community – at first on the edges and now right in the swirl of things – what I have been most impressed by is how the Jacobs Camp family really does feel like that: family.
As I grow into this role, one of the things I am most excited about is getting to know more of the Jacobs community. I want to hear your story and understand what makes Jacobs meaningful to you. I also want to hear about ways we can do better (I’m a former synagogue president, so don’t worry, I can handle a little complaining!). Please reach out to me at – just to say hello, or to set up a time to talk.
In the meantime, please enjoy a few photos from the installation, including one of all the living former Camp Chairs with Anna, Macy, and me. What a simcha!
With gratitude for this opportunity,
Lindsay Braunig
About the Author
Lindsay Braunig
Lindsay is the Chair of the Jacobs Camp Committee. She proudly wears her Delta sweatshirt all over San Francisco, is grateful her three children tolerate her presence at camp, and her greatest accomplishment this summer was being certified by Nadav to drive the camp gators.


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