A Very Special Day

by | Oct 28, 2024 | Camps & NFTY, Friendships, Jacobs Blog, The Jewish World

As someone who has been on-staff at different Jewish residential camps as a counselor, specialist and now as clergy, one has a tendency to view the wonderful lifetime connections made through the lens of many years.

At Jacobs Camp, when everyone shouts out, “Today is a very special day!” which usually segues into singing Happy Birthday, well that is how I felt on Saturday, October 19 here in New Orleans. The Shabbat morning began with the Bat Mitzvah of Olive Terk at Temple Sinai. Olive and her brother Ezra have been attending Jacobs camp for several years now. Many of Olive’s Jacobs camp friends make an effort to attend each other’s Bar/Bat Mitzvahs around the Gulf region. So, it was not surprising to see almost two rows in the Temple Sanctuary filled with Jacobs campers. How cool is that!

Then, later that evening at the Pavillon of the Two Sisters in City Park, I had the honor of officiating at a wonderful wedding for Ben Smith and Jordan Miller. Both Ben and Jordan met as Talmidim campers at Jacobs Camp and have been together ever since. Jordan’s older sister and brother, Jamie and Josh are also long-time campers.

This was indeed a special day for those connected with the Henry S. Jacobs camp.

My first summer at Jacobs Camp was in 1999, when I began my tenure at Temple Sinai. I make a point of spending time at HSJ every summer teaching my “Radio, Radio” program. One cannot calculate the importance of the Jacobs Camp experience for campers who develop long-time friendships with each other that last for many years.

That Jacobs Camp magic does not simply end when the camp session is over. Campers connect with each other during the school year and cannot wait for the next summer to start so they can be together once again. Sometimes I wish I could bottle the energy and joy I see in the campers when they are singing songs or watching the staff present silly skits announcing that evening’s programs.

I have had the joy of seeing Jacobs Camp and its development for over 20 years. Programs are super fun and engaging. The camp facilities are constantly being improved and updated. I cannot wait to see what the summer of 2025 offers. I know many campers will start counting the days till their Jacobs Camp summer begins, and you know what, so will this old cantor!

About the Author

Joel Colman

Joel Colman is the Cantor Emeritus at Temple Sinai in New Orleans. He has been working at Jewish residential camps since 1975 and cannot believe some of his former campers are now 50 years old!

Jordan Miller and Ben Smith holding their Ketubah, signed with a Jacobs Camp pen

Olive and Ezra Terk with other Temple Sinai congregants at Jacobs Camp

Jordan Miller with her camp friends on Shabbat, 2009

Olive Terk with the Torah at her Bat Mitzvah

Jordan Miller and her siblings Jamie and Josh at Jacobs Camp with other Temple Sinai congregants, 2008

Olive and Ezra Terk with their camp friends at Olive’s Bat Mitzvah