Hi Parents!

My name is Hannah B and I am the Visual Arts Senior Specialist this Summer! I have had so much fun in the art room with all of your campers so far this summer!

Something you should know about me is that I am a big fan of recycling! My main project for our older units, Maskilim, Talmidim, and Chalutzim is upcycling second hand clothing, like the dress I’m wearing in the blog picture that was made by a wonderful Olim camper from an old T-Shirt! I have also been using a lot of old magazines and boxes. Due to some of the supply chain issues this summer with getting materials, I have creatively begun to use lots of the weird leftover art supplies from previous years. We have had a lot of fun taking these mismatch supplies and changing them into works of art!

If you’re willing to help out the Arts and Crafts program at camp, I would super appreciate you bringing some unwanted items we can use for art to donate when you come to camp!

I am specifically looking for:

  • Unwanted clothes and other textiles
  • Unwanted fabric scraps
  • Old appropriate magazines
  • Any other unwanted craft supplies or things you think we could use!

When I came to camp in May, I brought about six big boxes of donations from my family this summer, and your campers have had an incredible time upcycling it into new works of art! Sadly, thrift stores are only able to sell about 10% of what they receive and textile waste is a bigger problem than people understand, but at Jacobs Camp, we’re going to use 100% of the items you bring us!

Please help us make more masterpieces, like my new favorite dress, and learn about upcycling with your leftover supplies!

Hannah Bienvenu is from Baton Rouge, La and joins camp this summer as the Visual Arts Senior Specialist. When Hannah is not at camp, she is a student studying Apparel Design and Communication Disorders while also running a part-time secondhand online clothing store!