At camp we give things our all; from the court to the stage, and even COVID-19 testing. I’m thrilled beyond words to let you know that this week we learned that 100% of our pre-camp PCR, opening day, and two in session PCR tests came back negative—thanks to the tremendous cooperation of our families and staff and the care we show for one another in our community!

This news was cause for celebration and what better way to celebrate than with fireworks?! The show was a spectacular display of light and color and sound—the epitome of summertime—and a highlight of our second week together. Click here to watch our Week in Review Video to witness the magic! Yes, the cake we ate for breakfast the next day was a celebration, too, moving us one step closer to normal as we lifted some of the mask-wearing requirements and now will wear them only when the entire camp is together. (No, cake for breakfast definitely is not a normal part of camp!)

Ecstatic from the news, campers had another terrific week, participating in all sorts of wonderful activities, including our camper choice activities such as our specialty camps that began for the sports, creative arts, and adventure departments. For Olim, daytime activities included a Mardi Gras parade and time with the chickens. The evenings brought a sports program, Messy Night,  a bunk night, and a campout with the adventure department.

This week Garin also enjoyed Messy Night and Israel Night, as well as a talent show and a pool party. During the day, they tried out fashion drawing, an obstacle course, sports, and spent time in the pool.

Daytime activities for Maskilim included the pool, sports, improv games, the tower, the lake, and FUN with Josh Balkin! At night the group played capture the flag, went swimming, put on a talent show, and participated in Israel Night, a campout with the adventure department, and bunk night.

Talmidim had a busy week filled with tower activities, sports, and time in the pool and the lake, as well as hiking, tennis, and photography. In the evening, these campers made music videos, and participated in various events, including Israel Night, an upcycle fashion show, and a Jewish life program about privilege. 

There was, of course, lots of magic happening this week. Shabbat will bring us—as always—a delicious dinner and cobbler, song session, and time to relax. We’re looking forward to all of that and, this year more than ever, appreciate that we finally are together for all the activities camp offers during the week and the rest and time to reflect we get on Shabbat.

I’m so grateful to everyone who made this week and its celebration possible, and I wish y’all a Shabbat Shalom.



Camp Director