It’s hard to believe we’ve arrived at the last Shabbat of first session, but here we are—after another amazing week! We were sad to see our Olim friends head home after two weeks as first-time campers, but we know they had a great time and are counting the days until they return next summer. Click here to check out all the fun from this week in our week in review video!

This week also saw the return of Maccabiah, the all-camp color war and an important part of the Jacobs Magic. This year’s Maccabiah, which sported a “Little Mermaid” theme, reminded all of us about how grateful we are to be back together at camp again. Mazel Tov to the Red Team on their victory, and I’m so proud of everyone on the Green, Yellow, and Blue Teams for competing so hard and so well! Everyone fueled the spirit of competition that was in the air throughout the week, making our Maccabiah event incredibly special.

In addition to the two days of Maccabiah, here’s what else our campers were up to this week.

Garin spent their days in various chugim (electives)—making pet rocks, biking, cooking, lots of sports, and cheerleading. Their evenings included a camp out and bunk night, as well as a fun night doing arts and crafts; a program learning about how to be clean and fight off germs (aka their counselors during the program) and camp-wide staff talent show and Maccabiah arts competition.

Maskilim’s daytime activities included indoor climbing, making music videos, and playing pickle ball. Delta’s Bark Mitzvah; Messy Night; a Mario Kart program, written and run by Solelim; a “day trip” program; and the camp-wide hagigah and staff talent show rounded out their evenings.

Talmidim had a busy week with a ceramic dinner party and chugim focused on fitness and watercolor painting, as well as one around the theme of “Survivor.” In addition to the camp-wide Maccabiah evening activities, Talmidim enjoyed Messy Night, a sports department program, a great pool party, and watching the music videos they made earlier in the session.

With this year’s color war over, I’m looking forward to everyone coming together in white to celebrate Shabbat tonight and enjoy a restful, restorative day tomorrow. Shabbat shalom, y’all.



Camp Director