It is absolutely true that “time flies when you’re having fun,” and we have evidence of that from our amazing week, but y’all, I cannot believe it’s the end of July. Where does the time go?! WE ARE NOT READY FOR THE SUMMER TO END!

This week was Maccabiah, and I’m so proud of the sportsmanship our campers demonstrated throughout the events. Whether they won or lost, everyone was spirited, gracious, kind, and, best of all, had a wonderful time! Watch the highlights of Maccabiah and the rest of the week’s activities!

We were sad to say goodbye to our Olim campers, but I know they’re counting the days until they’ll return to Morrison Road next summer. We can’t wait to have them back!

Garin had a busy week. In addition to Maccabiah, their daytime activities included cooking, boating, gymnastics, and creating pet rocks. A talent show, movie night, and a Chalutzim-led program rounded out the evenings.

Maskilim enjoyed net games, sports ball, chicken design, and build and destroy during the day. Their evenings included messy night, a talent show and a pool party. Lots of fun for all!

Talmidim also had a great week that included law and order, fitness, cosmetic line design, and shark tank during the day. Evenings were spent showing off their talents during the talent show, a pool party, and a campout.

Chalutzim, in addition to planning a program for their Gariners and prepping to lead a Shabbat morning service, kept busy with sports and organizing a program for Dream Street, a camp for kids with physical disabilities. Evenings were filled with a talent show and messy night.

It’s almost Shabbat, and everyone’s more than ready for dinner, cobbler, and some R&R, especially after this action-packed Maccabiah week.

Shabbat shalom.



P.S. If you know kids who will be first- or second-graders in the fall and might like to “test drive” the Magic of the Jacobs Camp experience, we still have a few spaces open in the Kochavim overnight program happening at camp on September 18-19. It’s not too late to pass along the registration information to their parents.