As the year nears its end, one topic that comes up in our house is what causes and organizations we want to support this year. The good news is that with each passing year there seem to be more and more interesting places to donate and good work being done. The challenge that creates is figuring out what to prioritize.

Today I wanted to take a minute and share why we as a family have chosen to make Jacobs a priority. (SKIP THE REST OF THIS BLOG POST AND JUST DONATE MONEY: Jacobs Magic Fund)

It’s actually pretty simple, for me, there’s no institution that was more fundamental in helping me become the person I am than camp. On top of that, 25 years later the same can be true about the role Jacobs plays today in my daughters’ lives and for so many other kids across the South, and really the country.

In November, it was an amazing experience to spend time and reconnect at the 50th reunion with so many of you who have the same personal understanding of the influence and uniqueness of our camp.  And when hearing stories about how Jacobs was founded, survived and has grown throughout the years, one thing that was made clear again and again is that none of it happened by accident, there was always a lot of hard work put into creating and retaining the Jacobs magic we all know and love.

And while there is no one who could be a better leader for camp today than Anna and no other staff in the country we’d be more comfortable entrusting our kids safety and happiness to, the truth is that’s not enough.  Keeping Jacobs the amazing place it is, with new activities and up-to-date facilities, with high quality programming and the resources to make sure, as has always been the case, that a family’s finances are not what prevents their child from having the summer of their life, also requires one more thing, money.

This is where you come in.

Today, I ask you to join us in doing one of two things.

1)    Make an end of the year donation. Six months before the gates open for Session One 2020 is a critical period of time where decisions are made that will directly impact the experience campers have next summer. After a very special year for camp, please help us make this year’s fundraising as high as ever.

Jacobs Magic Fund

2)    Become an Annual Donor to camp.  While Jacobs is proud to have thousands of alumni across America and around the world, the truth is that barely 200 individuals or families annually donate to camp, please help us change that this year.  At whatever amount is right for you, please commit to being an Annual Donor, helping support camp this year and into the future.

Jacobs Magic Fund

Thank you in advance for all you do that helps keep Jacobs the place we all know and love.

Adam Magnus

Alumni Camper: 1987-1995

Alumni Staff: 1997-1998 & 2001