My name is David Zapletal, originally from Jackson, MS, now residing  in New Orleans, and I am serving as the Facilities Committee Chair.  Like the lucky few, I met my wife Rella one summer at Camp and we have two future campers, Ari and Meyer.  So our family’s strong personal connection to Camp has me focused on ensuring the best facilities for the future. 

After fourteen years of camper and staff experiences at Camp, I have stayed in touch and tried to assist in any way possible.  As I have been fondly called “AV GUY,” “Video GUY,” and “Who is that GUY,” it is only fitting that I am now the “Facilities GUY.”

As we prepare for Summer 2021, the Committee has new challenges related to COVID-19 such as the potential need for air filtration systems and protective equipment, and so much more.  We are so lucky to have so many people with excellent backgrounds and connections in various industries that will help ensure Jacobs has one of the best summers yet. 

Now for the exciting news – Jacobs FINALLY has blazing fast fiber internet! 

We have relied on outdated technology from the 1960s to power the internet and phone lines. So, finally Jacobs is entering the twenty-first century! 

This project started off a few years ago as a WIFI improvement project but improving the WIFI would have just caused more issues with the existing internet infrastructure.  Just like an evening program, with limited supplies like butcher paper, paint, masking tape, half written script and a sponge if you’re lucky, the solution took creativity, trial and error, and working with multiple entities to become a reality.  

The benefits of the new fiber internet are endless. We know that our international staff will have better connectivity to their home countries which will result in a happier staff.  It will enhance the camper experience through new programming opportunities like video chats with Israel.  Finally, our crucial professional volunteer staff will have one less worry when they volunteer at camp.

So to contradict the famous quote of Macy B. Hart, “Change is neither good nor bad, change is change,” this is GOOD change!