Solelim is the best summer ever. It is a 24-day teen leadership program that guides participants through the transition of camper to staff member.
What’s Unique About the Solelim Program?
- Shadow Units and Departments: Try out different age groups and program spaces at camp to discover what fits.
- One-on-One Coaching: Solelim Advisors will observe you in action working directly with campers.
- Director Chats: meet with the Jacobs Camp year-round team to learn how camp makes everything from fundraising to menu planning to creating camper care plans happen.
- Solelim Only Experiences: trips, campfires, movie nights, planning Americafest, running Candy Canteen, and more!
- The Best of Both Worlds: Solelim have staff privileges such as hanging in the Pierce, late night snacks, and days off. During Solelim, you live in cabins with your peers and get lots of time to hang together.
- Everyday as a Solelim looks different as you move through orientation, shadow days, program planning, and more.
What happens after 24 days?
After first session you have the opportunity to become a Junior Counselor (and get paid!) during second session either for Olim (2 weeks) or Garin/Maskilim (3.5 weeks). Junior counselors move into bunks right away for on-the-job training and mentorship from our experienced counselors and leadership team members, while experiencing ongoing training throughout second session. Like counselors, Junior Counselors receive two full days off, intersession off, and time off everyday. Watch our awesome counselors in action below!
Dates and Fees
Solelim 4-weeks: June 8 – July 2, 2025
Solelim/Junior Counselor 6 Weeks: June 8 – July 20, 2025
Solelim/Junior Counselor Full Summer: June 8 – July 30, 2025
Tuition Rate: $2,500
Application Process
- Future Solelim participants fill out application and submit reference form
- Interview with camp staff
- Upon acceptance into the program, parents will be given directions to enroll Solelim in the program on CampInTouch
Solelim Application Form
Click “Apply Now!” to begin your Solelim application! Please note that it will take 15-20 minutes to complete, and you cannot save your progress.
Solelim Reference Form
Use this link to fill out a reference form for a Solel candidate.