Jackson, MS Water Crisis: How You Can Help
Thank you so much to our extended Jacobs Family who have reached out and offered assistance to those in need. A reminder to please reach out to Beth Israel Congregation at (601)956-6215 if you know of anyone in need. Beth Israel currently has running tap and drinking water available.
Check out this article from the Clarion Ledger for more opportunities to help out our community. I am also including several links to donate to coalition partners on the frontlines of the crisis.
Links from the article:
- Monetary donations for water purchases for the Twin Forks Rising water drive in Hattiesburg may be made by calling (601) 818-5588
- Cooperation Jackson welcomes online monetary donations. You can donate at https://cooperationjackson.org/donate.
- The Mississippi Food Network needs your help to provide fresh water to local families. You can donate money online at https://donate.msfoodnet.org/production?cl=MFNMS&pg=2021_water_drive&amt=15,30,45,160&large=500&ref=water-drive.
- You can follow this link to make a monetary donation, run by the Mississippi Rapid Response Coalition – Water Fund: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/mississippirapidresponsecoalition?fbclid=IwAR0E-Tba63bmB0-C1zoHEfUwEg1nY-8NI8xEFeA6Vd7Xooy106vIA5sICvU.
- You can also bring water to New Horizon Church International, where they are distributing it to families in need. They are located at 1750 Ellis Ave, Suite 200 Jackson, MS 39204
- Immigrant Alliance for Justice and Equality (IAJE) needs help receiving and distributing water today, Friday, and Saturday at 406 W. Fortification Street in Jackson, Mississippi. Thursday and Friday – Urgent need times are 11am to 12:30pm and 4pm until they run out of water. Saturday – they will need assistance all day beginning at 9am. Message their Instagram page or email tim@iajems.org to sign up or learn more.
About the Author
Rabbi Joseph Rosen
Rabbi Joseph Rosen began at Beth Israel Congregation in July 2019. Since then he has been a big supporter of Jacobs Camp; promoting HSJ in his congregation and volunteering at camp each summer.

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