Jacobs Camp Support For Rolling Fork
As you know, social action and community service is an extremely important Jewish value, as is building a community of good neighbors. And at this moment, our neighbors need us. You likely saw the sad news that tornadoes decimated the Delta town of Rolling Fork, Mississippi earlier this week.
The needs there are tremendous, and our NFTY Southern board of leaders in conjunction with the Jacobs Camp team made a decision that we wanted to offer our help. Therefore, this Saturday, our teens will depart Jacobs Camp for Rolling Fork to volunteer on the ground. We are so proud of their commitment and cannot wait to support them in putting their values into action.
WE HAVE A SHORT TERM NEED IN THE NEW ORLEANS AREA FOR FRIDAY MARCH 31: The Rolling Fork community has requested critical supplies that we intend to deliver when we go there on Saturday. Please take a look at the list below and bring any supplies you can to the Metairie JCC parking lot on Friday March 31st between 12:30-1:00 pm.
Most Immediate Supplies Needs in Rolling Fork:
Lighter fluid
Adult diapers
Dishwashing liquid
4T-5T pull ups
Heavy duty trash bags
Baby wipes
Laundry detergent
Canned goods
Diaper cream
Infant cereal
We anticipate additional needs in the coming weeks, and we will share as we learn of them.
Thank you for being a part of this tikkum olam effort. This is what community is for, and we are so honored to be in it with you.
Anna Herman
About the Author
Anna Herman
Anna grew up in Dothan, AL, and began attending the Henry S. Jacobs Camp at age 11. In addition to being a camper, Anna also was a counselor and unit head. Following graduation from the University of Alabama, she became the assistant director at Jacobs. Anna is now thrilled to be the Director.

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