Opening Day, Buddies, and Olim-pics – Week 1, Session 2

Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp!
Session 2 is off to a great start, and we are so happy to have our Session 2 campers home! Take a look at all the fun in the week in review video.
We hit the ground running with an incredible Opening Ceremony, filled the dining hall with spirited song sessions, and had an amazing all-camp service by the lake. I love to see our community come together to connect with one another while connecting with Judaism. Campers are enjoying time in our beautiful new Athletic Complex while playing basketball, pickleball, gaga, and volleyball, exploring the rock climbing wall, and so much more!
Now we are preparing for our first Shabbat of the session, and looking forward to a delicious dinner of bbq brisket and peach cobbler.
This week Olim competed in the “Olim-pics”, enjoyed time on the lake, did shaving cream art, and had cabin bonding time during their bunk-nights and campfires. It has been a fantastic start for our youngest campers, and they have gotten right into the swing of things here at camp!
Our Gariners paired up with Chalutzim buddies this week – always a highlight of the summer! They also had lake time, played soccer, enjoyed making perler bead crafts, learned Israeli dancing, and had a Little Mermaid pool party!
Maskilim had a great week that included fun with chickens, played Capture the Flag under the Mississippi moon, did a photo scavenger hunt around camp, and got to choose their specialty camps.
Our Talmidimers had a full week of the best camp has to offer! They had a blast playing Soccer and flicker hoops, baking delicious cupcakes and cinnamon rolls, learning to DJ, designing their own islands, making pottery bowls and cups, and playing all-camp cops and robbers!
Chalutzim returned from their trip, with an all-important stop at Buc-ee’s on the way home! After a morning of sleeping in to catch up on sleep after their travels, they’ve had a busy week biking, using the all new workout room, playing pickup basketball, making banana bread, doing pottery, having a Bob Ross-themed painting class, and they had an international cooking night!
This week has been a blast and we are so excited for everything to come. Shabbat shalom to all of our Jacobs Camp families!
Video: Thank You Donors for an Amazing Summer! POSTS

Olim Fun, Messy Nights, and Podcasts – Week 2 in the Books
Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp! The second week of the session is already coming to a close, and camp is flying by! It is hard to believe that we will say goodbye to our Olim campers this weekend! It has been such a blessing to have our camp community together, and...