Camp Committee

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Henry S. Jacobs Camp Committee

The URJ Henry S Jacobs Camp Committee is a living, vibrant Reform Jewish community that forms anew each summer. It is made up of parents of current and past campers, camper alumni, and other supporters of Jacobs Camp. The purpose of the Camp Committee is to support the Camp Director.  The Camp Committee provides advice and feedback to the Director, and proactively plans and provides additional resources toward the accomplishment of the major functions of Camp.

The Camp Committee is made up of:

  • Development Committee
  • Facilities Committee
  • Governance Committee
  • Alumni Committee
  • Dream Street Board of Advisors Chair
  • Recruitment Committee
  • Medical Committee, which includes the Camp Medical Advisor
  • Parents Advisory Council Chair
  • Advisory Committee made up of the past committee chairs
  • Task Forces (as needed and as appointed by Chair)

The Camp Director works closely with the Camp Committee chair and is a member of all sub-committees.

The Camp Committee Chair leads both the Camp Committee and the Executive Committee and is a member of all sub-committees.

More Information

Lindsay Braunig

Camp Committee Chair

Anna Blumenfeld Herman




Committee members

Helaine Braunig

Lindsay Braunig

Clare Clarke

Nichole Friedland

Kyle Goldich

Lee Goldstein

Sara Harris

Hydee Kagan

Mary Kanowitz

Sharon Kaplan

Brad Lapidus

Gary Lazarus

Harry Lazarus

Sarah Lewis

Tim Lupin

Adam Magnus

Hannah Martin

Kimberly Nicolas

Abram Orlansky

Jenny Pollack

David Portnoy

Linda Posner

Liz Rudnick

Natalie Selzer

David Silverstein

David Zapletal

Jenny Zurik

Subcommittee Chairs

Lindsay Braunig, Camp Committee Chair

Clare Clarke, Alumni Committee Co-Chair

Robin Harpak, Development Committee Chair

Hydee Kagan, Parents Advisory Council chair

Hannah Martin, Recruitment Committee Chair

Natalie Selzer, Alumni Committee Co-Chair

David Zapletal, Facilities Committee Chair

Past Camp Committee Chairs

Celeste Orkin

Julian Allenberg

Jerry Tanenbaum (1972-1982)

David Grishman (1983-1986)

Steve Orlansky (1987-1991)

Earle Schwarz (1991-1997)

Rich Lewis (1997-2001)

Larry Orlansky (2001-2003)

Joel Yuspeh Ashner (2003-2007)

Louis Good (2007-2011)

Danny Mansberg (2011-2015)

Linda Orlansky Posner (2015-2020)

Gary Lazarus (2020-2024)

Lindsay Braunig (2024-Present)