Working at Jacobs Camp is the best! Here’s what a day could look like for a summer staff member.
Cabin Counselor:
Click here to view the schedule of what a “typical” day for a counselor looks like
Start the day off with breakfast with your campers in our energy-filled dining hall. For each session at camp, you and 1-2 co-counselors will live in a cabin of about 13 campers. Our cabins are divided by age group, and our campers range from current 1st graders to current 9th graders. After eating breakfast with your cabin, you might make your way to the pool or lake for swim if you’re a lifeguard, head to the art room to do some arts and crafts with your campers or head to the Jacobs Performing Arts Center to do gymnastics, play music or perform in theater. In the afternoon, you’ll spend time with your campers during rest hour and continue on with the day by going to play sports on the Upper Athletic Field like kickball or flag football or make your way to our adventure area to climb the alpine tower, build fires and zipline. Of course, you’ll have time off during the day too to spend in our staff lounge, the Pierce, which has a TV, pool table, a video game room, a soda machine and snacks. In the evening, join your campers for fun evening programs like messy night or bunk night. Then conclude your day with cabin prayers where you and your campers get to spend time recapping the day and building community in your cabin. And after campers go to bed, staff get to hang out around camp!
Out of Cabin Specialists:
Start the day with breakfast in the dining hall and get ready for a fun-packed day! You’ll spend your day leading programs in your specialty area. Sports specialists will lead all kinds of games, drills and other activities. Adventure specialists could lead biking, climbing the alpine tower, outdoor cooking, zipline, adventure games and more. Art specialists will lead art activities for our campers ranging from friendship bracelet making and sewing stuffed animals to painting, ceramics and pottery. In the evening, you will have time off most nights to prepare for the days ahead or working with cabins to support their evening programs and counselors.
Leadership Team:
At Jacobs Camp, our Leadership Team is made up of Unit Heads, Department Heads, Community Care Director, and other camp supervisors. Start the day with a morning meeting in the office to discuss the upcoming day, then head to the dining hall to join the rest of camp for breakfast. You’ll spend your day checking in with your staff and campers, making sure they feel supported and have what they need to succeed. Unit Heads will assist counselors with camper care and cabin management, check cabin cleanliness for Nikayon, facilitate unit evening programs, and more. Department Heads will set up their department’s daily activities, manage inventory for activity areas, and ensure that campers have a fun and safe environment in their specialty areas. The Community Care Director will direct and supervise the Community Care team to Mental Emotional Social and Spiritual Health (MESSH) for all campers and staff, assist counselors with camper care issues as they arise, and communicate with parents. In the evening, after assisting counselors with their evening programs, you will have time off most nights to prepare for the upcoming days of camp.

How We Support Our Staff
There’s so much to do at Jacobs Camp for our staff including events planned for staff, special staff snacks and food trucks and a dedicated Staff Engagement Coordinator to plan events and listen to staff feedback. Here are some examples of the Jacobs Camp difference with our staff:
- “Stalendar” events planned for staff like Strisbee (staff frisbee) every Friday night, Stower and Stower Swing (tower and tower swing), Stovie (staff movie), Stwim (Staff swim) and so much more.
- Staff snacks and food trucks (Raising Cane’s, sushi, taco truck, dessert truck, etc.)
- Swag and clothing (sweatshirts, fanny packs, t-shirts, scrunchies, hats)
- Special guests brought into camp (musicians, comedians, etc.)
- Summer staff receive two days off per session, one day off during Orientation Week and time off during intersession.
- Career networking opportunities for summer staff members are available during the year through the Jacobs Camp alumni network, which includes professionals from a variety of different fields.
Want to learn more about being on staff or have questions? Email Elijah Thompson, or text him at 601-885-6042