by Jacob Fijman | Dec 22, 2019 | Alumni, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Fundraising, Jacobs Blog
10 years ago I walked into the gates of Henry S. Jacobs camp a very scared little girl who knew nothing about herself. All I knew was that I was trying to escape the realities of a sick father recently diagnosed with cancer. It took me some time to warm up to the idea...
by Jess James | Dec 19, 2019 | Featured, Jacobs Blog
This week as the Jewish people celebrate the miracle of Hanukkah, I want to take a moment to reflect on one of the miracles in my own life – Henry S. Jacobs Camp. Perhaps my earliest camp memory is of Shabbat as a 9 or 10 year-old. I vividly remember sitting beside...
by Jacob Fijman | Dec 16, 2019 | Caring Community, Jacobs Blog, Uncategorized
As the year nears its end, one topic that comes up in our house is what causes and organizations we want to support this year. The good news is that with each passing year there seem to be more and more interesting places to donate and good work being done. The...