We’re Savoring Every Minute Together!

We’re Savoring Every Minute Together!

We started this week on a high note when we learned that 100% of last week’s COVID-19 tests came back negative! The news, of course, was our signal to celebrate, which is exactly what we did—with a huge party and Israeli dance session on Sunday, followed by cake for...
More Than Just the Activities

More Than Just the Activities

During the hectic chaos of an Ultimate Frisbee game, I saw three campers chatting away next to the Gaga pit. As I walked over, I overheard them talking about video games, obscure history facts, and their favorite board games. As I joined the conversation, I saw that...
A Year Later… I’m In Israel!

A Year Later… I’m In Israel!

From a young age, we as Jews are taught that we have a special connection to Israel. My Mom has always told me that every Jew should be given the opportunity to go to Israel at some point in his or her life. Luckily, we are given many chances to go, whether it is...
Second Session Is Off and Running!

Second Session Is Off and Running!

I have been waiting for two years for second-session campers to have their summer….and now they’re here! We had a wonderful opening day, and throughout this first week, it’s been amazing and so gratifying to see them finally all together, forming a new community and a...