Another Fun Week at HSJ
Another Fun Week at HSJ! Anna's Blog Session 2 Week 2 2022 Shabbat shalom from Jacobs Camp, where it’s been another busy, wonderful, and fun week! It’s going by too fast! Check out what we have been up to in the Week in Review Video! Olim created paper-bag puppets...
Week in Review: Session 2, Week 2
The Camper to Counselor Pipeline
The Camper to Counselor Pipeline Maddy O'Quain Being jewish has always been a big part of my life when growing up-- from going to temple every Friday night to finally being old enough to go to Jacobs Camp. My mom came here as a kid, so I had heard so many...
I Found Out Who I Really Am At Camp
I Found Out Who I Really Am At Camp A defining characteristic of Jacobs Camp are the life-long friendships that are made each and every summer at camp. Whether you went to camp in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s, or are currently a camper, you know that Camp Friends are...
L’dor V’dor at Henry S. Jacobs Camp
L'dor V'dor at Henry S. Jacobs Camp Cantor Joel Colman One of the great joys in having a long tenure as cantor at Temple Sinai in New Orleans for over 23 years, is celebrating wonderful life-cycle events such as weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs and so much...
Jacobs Camp Magic: On Short Notice!
Jacobs Camp Magic: On Short Notice! Rabbi Barry H. Block On Friday afternoon, June 24, Jacobs Camp lost its summer song leader. That could happen for any of a number of reasons during any summer. But this summer? Yes, the assistant song leader,...
A Challenging But Joyful Week
A Challenging But Joyful Week Shabbat Shalom from Jacobs Camp! As Shabbat begins this week, I want to acknowledge that this has been a challenging week here at camp. However, there is still a lot of joy and fun and I’d still love to share all of that with you. We are...
Home from Camp: An Unpacking List
Home from Camp: An Unpacking List The end of the summer can bring many mixed emotions for campers. While they will be so happy to be back with their families, they will also miss their friends, counselors, and life at camp. As for parents— we know you can’t...
Dr. Jake’s First Summer Camp Experience
Dr. Jake's First Summer Camp Experience Having never been to sleepaway camp I really didn’t know what to expect coming to Jacobs Camp. I heard words like magic, incredible, life-changing, memories, but I didn’t really understand what any of that meant. The night...
Meet Our Summer 2024 Team
Meet Our Summer 2024 Team