by Jacob Fijman | May 10, 2021 | Alumni, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Jacobs Blog, Summer, Youth & Family
I grew up at Jacobs Camp, and there’s no question that shaped my life in more ways than one. As a camper, the things that seemed like “big” life-changing events often ended up being quite small as life played out. On the other hand, the things that seemed like...
by Jacob Fijman | Apr 14, 2021 | Alumni, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Friendships, Jacobs Blog
Since I announced to the world that I was getting to come back to HSJ for the summer of 2021, I’ve heard so many adults say things like, “I wish I could go back to camp as an adult”, and “I can’t believe they have air conditioning in all the buildings now…I...
by Jacob Fijman | Apr 14, 2021 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Fundraising, Jacobs Blog, Summer
HSJ Alumni, Remember those day-off trips to New Orleans? Or those nights-off dashes to Jackson?Parents, remember when your child was on staff and you just wanted to make sure they were eating enough?Our incredible staff members have dedicated themselves to providing...
by Jacob Fijman | Mar 30, 2021 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Featured, Jacobs Blog
My name is Carolyn Harari and, when I was 16 I participated in the URJ Crane Lake Camp Machon program (the equivalent of Solelim). I begged the Machon Director to let me shadow the Associate Director around for the day. I wanted to see how the organized chaos...
by Jacob Fijman | Feb 24, 2021 | Alumni, Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Jacobs Blog
Hi Jacobs Camp family! On Thursday, February 4th, the Jacobs Camp Parent Advisory Council had our inaugural meeting! It was so exciting to get this council up and running. Because EVERY parent is a part of the Parent Advisory Council, I wanted to provide all of you...
by Jacob Fijman | Feb 2, 2021 | Camping and Youth Engagement, Camps & NFTY, Jacobs Blog, Youth & Family
For a few days now, I’ve been telling people that I get to go to camp for the whole summer. Those that aren’t “camp people” wonder why an adult would want to do that, but those in the know say things like, “how did that happen?”; “you are so lucky”; and “I am so...