Since I announced to the world that I was getting to come back to HSJ for the summer of 2021, I’ve heard so many adults say things like, “I wish I could go back to camp as an adult”, and “I can’t believe they have air conditioning in all the buildings now…I should totally go back!”.
We are a year into a global pandemic that has impacted all of us in so many different ways, so I am looking for the wins wherever I can find them. Got out of bed today? Win. Kids probably brushed their teeth before bed? Win. Learning that I can work 100% remotely when it was never an option before? WIN.
Many of you adults out there (you can define “adult” however you want!) have also learned new things: how to accomplish all some of your daily tasks in a different way/at a different time; that small kids can help with laundry (who needs to fold stuff anyway?); and that sometimes cereal is a perfectly acceptable dinner. Maybe, though…just maybe, you have learned that you actually COULD come back to camp for the summer. Just take a moment and imagine what would need to happen in your “real life” to make it work. You might be surprised.
We definitely have needs for more adults at camp this summer. We are back after two years and things are going to be very different this summer. This requires people that have more real world experience and know how to problem solve creatively and help manage expectations whilst smiling and spreading that Jacobs Magic. Here are a few open positions:
Department Head(s) – especially for Adventure!
Community Care Specialists (yes, you would work with ME!)
We also have quite a few internships available if you know anyone looking for something like that.
It takes a camp to run a camp, so what are you waiting for?
It turns out, you CAN go home again!