Summer 2023 COVID Mitigation

Summer 2023 COVID Mitigation

Summer 2023 COVID Mitigation As always, we are committed to the health and safety of our Jacobs Camp Community.  Our approach in maintaining a healthy and safe community in Summer 2023 represents a significant shift from the COVID mitigation and response from last...


Marley Aamodt | Chalutzim Unit Head Hi! My name is Marley Aamodt, and I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. I am graduating from the University of Georgia this May with a degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Disabilities Studies. I will also be starting my doctorate...


SOLELIM STAFF Solelim Director Rachel Carter Hi! My name is Rachel, and this is my 5th year on staff at HSJ. I will be the Solelim Director this summer! I just graduated from SMU in Dallas with my M.S. in Organizational Psychology, and I will be working in HR at...